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A week №24 2024

Kostanay farmers suggest applying a transit tariff to combat the illegal import of Russian grain.

In the Kostanay region of Kazakhstan, agricultural producers have proposed introducing a transit tariff to combat the illegal import of Russian grain. This will increase the competitiveness of Kazakhstani grain, which has faced problems due to unscrupulous suppliers. The creation of a memorandum and the implementation of control will allow for a more effective resolution of these issues.

"Посевные работы в США: сев сои превышает пятилетний средний уровень, а кукуруза отстает от прошлого года"

According to USDA data, American farmers planted 87% of soybeans (compared to 95% last year and 84% on average), 62% of sunflower seeds (+24% from the previous year), and 98% of spring wheat. The corn planting rate is at 95%, which is lower than last year's rate of 98% but consistent with the average level.

"Rosagrolizing: new tasks and development of branch network for agricultural machinery"

Pavel Kosov from "Rosagrolizing" talked about the company's plans in the new conditions. The main goal is to develop a branch network for close servicing of farmers. The company is also expanding leasing and digital solutions, as well as collaborating with foreign manufacturers.

Unmanned technology will not replace people yet.

Ural and Siberia: new leaders in oilseed production, attracting investments and increasing exports

In 2023, Russia harvested 29.9 million tons of oilseeds, almost three times more than in 2012.

The Ural and Siberia regions have the potential for development and attracting investments. New plants in these regions will help increase production and exports.

A week №23 2024

The increase in prices for grain and dairy products has led to a rise in the FAO Food Price Index in May 2024.

In May 2024, the CPIF reached 120.4 points, an increase of 1.1 points. Prices for grain and dairy products have risen, while meat prices have remained almost unchanged. The CPIF has been rising for 3 months and remains 3.4% lower than last year and below the peak of 24.9%. Grain prices have increased, especially for wheat due to bad weather. Meat prices have decreased, while milk and butter prices have risen. Sugar has become cheaper, driven by improved supply in Brazil and lower oil prices.

Tuva is introducing rapeseed cultivation into industrial production: the region is preparing for the harvest and planning its export.

In 2024, industrial cultivation of rapeseed will begin in the lands of Tuva. It is planned to sow 3000 hectares, and the harvest will be exported. Rapeseed is used in the food and chemical industries. The head of Tuva expressed hope for a successful harvest.

A week №22 2024

Alania Agricultural Company is expanding tomato production in North Ossetia: a new greenhouse complex will increase volumes up to 19,000 tons by 2026.

In North Ossetia, a greenhouse complex is planned to be built for growing tomatoes, which will increase production to 19,000 tons by 2026. The investments will amount to 15 billion rubles, and 860 jobs will be created. The company "Alania" intends to compete with importers, especially during the winter.

Stavropol Krai is coping with the drought: the grain harvest is approaching, government support for farmers has been increased.

The meeting of the operational headquarters in Stavropol discussed preparations for the harvest. Agricultural areas were inspected by a team of politicians and experts. In the conditions of drought, experienced wheat varieties are being grown. The harvest is ready for collection earlier than usual. A decrease in the gross grain harvest is predicted due to the drought. Funds are planned to be allocated to induce precipitation.

The head of the regional Duma expressed the need to simplify legislation in the field of plant breeding. Government support for the region's farmers amounts to 40% of the planned support.

A week №21 2024

Forecast: Russia may export 54 million tons of wheat in the current agricultural year, prices are on the rise due to weather conditions.

Russia can export 54 million tons of wheat in the current agricultural year, which is 0.9 million tons more than the estimate. Prices have risen due to bad weather; in June, $245 had to be paid for a ton of wheat with 12.5% protein, while in deep-water ports of the Russian Federation, the price was 17,000-17,200 rubles.

The global market for palm oil is expected to further decline in prices due to increased production and reduced demand.

Prices for palm oil in exporting countries are prone to decrease due to increased production and reduced demand. It is expected that this trend will continue due to market oversupply and expectations of further price declines.

Exchange rates also affect the product's affordability for international buyers, but weak demand creates uncertainty in the market. Analysts warn of increased volatility in the near future.

Forecast of the oilseed crop harvest in Russia against adverse weather conditions: sunflower and soybeans are a priority, the harvest will increase by 11.9%.

May weather can affect the grain harvest in Russia, but sunflower and soybeans are expected to be almost unaffected. The harvest of these crops is expected to be 4.5% and 11.9% higher respectively. Farmers are replanting damaged fields with oilseed crops due to their profitability. The forecast for oilseed crops has been increased, unlike wheat.

Rapeseed in the Pskov region: a 20-fold increase in production volumes and investment prospects.

Over the past 8 years, rapeseed production in the Pskov region has increased 20 times, reaching 36,000 tons. This has allowed to reduce the areas of unused land, attract investments, and start delivering rapeseed products to other regions of Russia.

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