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Russian market - Fork Cast

Current information on the topic Russian market - Fork Cast on

A week №22 2024

Fighting locusts in Tajikistan: innovative methods and drones offer a new solution for preserving crops.

Tajikistan has been fighting locusts for 10 years already.

The problem involves chemical treatments, and the use of drones is proposed for effective control and minimization of impact on the environment.

International cooperation will help strengthen the country's resilience against insect pests.

The cleaning campaign in the Krasnodar Territory will start two weeks earlier due to the rapid development of winter crops.

Agricultural enterprises in the Krasnodar region will start harvesting earlier - in the first decade of June. Winter wheat occupies 1.6 million hectares out of the total area of 2.5 million. It is planned to harvest 14 million tons of crop, despite unfavorable weather conditions. Small frosts damaged sugar beets, corn, soybeans, and sunflowers.

Vladimir Vladimirov checked the crops of proactive breeders in the Stavropol region, aiming for the region's self-sufficiency with its own seeds.

Governor Vladimirov visited a scientific agricultural center in the North Caucasus, where he inspected wheat crops. He set a task to provide the region with seeds of agricultural crops taking into account the climate. He then evaluated the crops in a collective farm where 2300 hectares of winter cereals were sown. Harvesting will begin in June on 2.4 million hectares of grains. The governor noted the active development of crop insurance and land reclamation.

Россия планирует экспортировать рекордные 62,8 млн тонн зерна за сельхозгод: как это отразится на мировом рынке?

Russia plans to export 62.8 million tons of grain in the current agricultural year, which is 8% more than last year. Shipments of sunflower wheat have decreased, and the grain is being sent to 34 countries. In the central part of the country, wheat prices have risen to $155 per ton.

A large batch of fresh fruits and vegetables from Central Asian countries has arrived in Chelyabinsk for inspection before being sold.

Today, various batches of plant products from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Georgia arrived in the main city of the Southern Urals. After inspection by the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, vegetables and fruits will be allowed for sale.

In the Chelyabinsk region, 65% of the products have arrived, including 171 tons.

A week №21 2024

Grupo Bimbo and CIMMyT are implementing regenerative farming methods in Mexico, increasing crop yields and economic efficiency.

Grupo Bimbo and CIMMYT are collaborating on implementing regenerative methods in Mexican agriculture to increase wheat and maize yields. This leads to a significant increase in productivity and reduction of crop losses. The company plans to expand the program to new territories.

Аграрный сектор Воронежской области активно восстанавливает посевы сахарной свеклы: 24 тыс. га уже пересеяно из 25 тыс. га.

In the Voronezh region, out of 25,000 hectares of lost sugar beet crops, 24,000 hectares have already been replanted. The agricultural sector of the region is making tremendous efforts to restore production after the losses.

Russia is preparing for a drought: The forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center for May describes a deterioration of agrometeorological conditions.

In May, drought will intensify in southern Russia, while regions of the North Caucasus and Western Siberia can expect rain. In the central black soil regions, there is insufficient precipitation. Freezes at the beginning of the month led to the introduction of a state of emergency in several regions.

Natural ways to combat the Colorado potato beetle: from wormwood jam to a tincture of bitter pepper and wood ash.

The emergence of the Colorado beetle begins at the end of May, and its harmfulness increases in June.

To combat it, you can use "Actellic", "Decis", "IntaVir" or "Karate", as well as folk remedies: wormwood jam, tincture of bitter pepper, and wood ash.

"Secrets of caring for young apple trees: how to ensure survival and healthy growth in spring rain conditions"

In spring, check the health and viability of young apple trees, remove sick trees. Pay attention to the roots, treat them with trichoderma, create a mulching ring, weed 3-4 times a year.

When planting, ensure good drainage and a pH of 6-7 of the soil, do not plant too deep.

A new laboratory in the Altai Region will improve livestock breeding and animal selection.

30 million rubles have been allocated, including 22 million from the regional budget, for the establishment of a laboratory in the Altai Territory.

The laboratory will help improve cattle breeding, saving time and money for breeding farms. The new technologies will allow sending only healthy animals with high potential to the farms.

A week №20 2024

The frosts threaten the sugar beet harvest in Russia, causing sugar prices to rise rapidly and agricultural issues to escalate.

The frosts damaged the sugar beet crop, causing sugar prices to rise. Some regions have introduced a state of emergency due to the losses, but the scale of the damage needs to be assessed.

Global prices for raw sugar have decreased, which has eased the consequences. Sugar exports from Russia have decreased. The cost of Russian sugar depends on crop expectations.

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