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World market - Fork Cast

Current information on the topic World market - Fork Cast on

A week №24 2024

Scientists are developing an antibacterial balm based on wormwood for skin care.

Scientists from the Buryat Agricultural Academy are developing an antibacterial balm based on wormwood. The balm has antiseptic and antioxidant properties, does not contain imported components, and is suitable for skin care.

To produce the balm, wormwood will be cultivated, which grows in Buryatia.

A week №23 2024

Scientists' discovery: The genome of the tetragonal cissus reveals secrets of drought resistance and photosynthesis mechanisms.

The plant Cissus quadrangularis from the tropics and subtropics thrives in dry conditions thanks to mechanisms of photosynthesis and drought resistance. Research on the genome of Cissus will enable the creation of more drought-resistant agricultural crops and increase food security.

"Techmashholding" is expanding the production of agricultural machinery for hop farming in Chuvashia.

The Minister of Agriculture of Chuvashia visited the "Techmashholding" enterprise, where he studied the production of agricultural machinery, including hop harvesting complexes. The company is also developing new equipment, including the pneumatic tractor seeder "Anish". The Russian hop industry needs about 140 hop harvesters, with the first prototype being developed in Chuvashia.

Прогноз: Казахстан планирует увеличить экспорт несырьевых товаров до $37,7 млрд к 2024 году, акцент на масложировую продукцию.

The Ministry of Trade of Kazakhstan forecasts a 6% increase in the export of non-raw materials goods to $37.7 billion by 2024. The main focus is on oil products, animal feed, expanding exports to China, and the EAEU countries. There are plans to increase the import of Kazakhstani goods to the markets of the European Union.

Биоэкономика: Минсельхоз РФ сфокусируется на развитии сельского хозяйства с использованием биотехнологий и устойчивом подходе.

Oksana Lut called for the development of bioeconomy in cooperation with other industries, preserving the resources of nature. The Ministry of Agriculture is tasked with accelerating food production using biotechnologies and improving its characteristics. Biological means of protection and biostimulants play an important role in global practice, with demand for them increasing annually.

Победитель выставки племенных животных получит автомобиль «Нива» от губернатора Забайкальского края

Experts will evaluate 150+ animals at the exhibition in the Trans-Baikal region. The best animal will receive a car. The program includes a conference, a meeting, a show, and a fair of products.

An excess of sugar supply threatens the Brazilian economy due to a decrease in demand for ethanol, according to Bloomberg's forecast.

Brazil will face an excess of sugar due to a decrease in demand for ethanol caused by the popularity of electric vehicles. Demand for ethanol will decrease by 40% from 2025 to 2035-2040. This will affect the global sugar market, creating difficulties for Thailand and India. Raízen Energia and BP will also suffer from this.

In the Krasnoyarsk region, the record sowing season has taken place: the total area sown with spring crops exceeded the plan by 83%.

Enterprises in the Krasnoyarsk region have exceeded the plans for sowing spring crops by 83%, sowing more than 1.1 million hectares. Farmers are actively working and have applied 207 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers, which is 109% higher than the level of last year.

The region is expecting rains, which are crucial for the development of agricultural crops.

A week №22 2024

Планы и надежды фермеров Амурской области: строительство, посевы и перспективы развития в условиях сложной погоды

The regional leader visited the agricultural enterprises "Priamurye" and "Amur Agro Holding", where they discussed grain and soybean production, as well as the construction of housing for employees.

The sowing of crops is delayed due to challenging weather conditions, however, the farmers are confident in success and plan to expand the sowing areas.

The United Nations and the African Export-Import Bank are developing a new platform for exporting Russian products to Africa.

The UN and the African Bank are creating a platform to simplify transactions for exporting Russian agricultural products to Africa. The collaboration aims to correct errors in trade and facilitate client verification in sanction conditions.

Russia is demanding access to SWIFT to facilitate the deal, but some EU countries have a negative attitude towards this idea.

Dmitry Patrushev called for increasing crop insurance to protect against natural disasters.

Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev emphasized the importance of crop insurance to protect Russian agriculture from natural disasters. The government aims to insure at least 30% of the sown areas, which will help agricultural producers receive compensation in case of weather-related emergencies.

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