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Dmitry Patrushev: Russian agriculture continues to develop despite sanctions and logistic obstacles.
agricultural products

Dmitry Patrushev: Russian agriculture continues to develop despite sanctions and logistic obstacles.

Dmitry Patrushev stated that despite the sanctions, the development of agriculture is not stopped. The focus is on supporting the industry, ensuring profitability of production, and increasing grain exports. Russia is actively seeking new logistics chains to boost agricultural exports. Export growth to reach $40 billion is expected in the current year.

12 August 2024 12 August 2024


Dmitry Patrushev in an interview with RBC:
Sanctions couldn't stop the development of agriculture, but exports are facing hidden barriers. 
Currently, the main issue is balancing and maintaining the profitability of production, not restraining internal prices. At the moment, the agricultural sector is facing certain difficulties, and we understand the need to support this industry. There are various support mechanisms, including purchases for the intervention fund. In addition, the government has approved additional funds to support grain producers.
In the current season, we see the opportunity to supply no less than 50 million tons of grain to the global market, and possibly even more. In the second half of 2022, we will be able to export up to 30 million tons. This corresponds to the promises we made at the UN to solve the problem of global hunger.
However, there is another problem here. There are barriers that continue to hinder our exports. To put it plainly, these are hidden sanctions concerning the transportation of agricultural products. At the same time, it is stated that there are no restrictions on the export of agricultural products.
We see all the difficulties and find solutions together with exporters. Russia has repeatedly proven to be a reliable partner and is ready to fulfill its obligations, providing countries in need with necessary products. Since the beginning of this agricultural year, we have already exported about 8.3 million tons of grain to foreign markets. Moreover, the growth rate of exports is increasing from day to day.


We have increased the export of agricultural products in monetary terms. Compared to last year, the growth is approximately 15-17%. However, in natural terms, we have started to supply less due to the constraints I mentioned earlier. But the peak of logistical problems was overcome in March-April, and practically we have already overcome them. Currently, we are developing new logistic chains, finding new partners, gaining momentum, and I believe that by the end of the year we will minimize the lag. And in monetary terms, we will have growth. Last year, our exports brought in revenue of $37.1 billion, and this year it is expected to be around $40 billion.

Russian Ministry of Agriculture

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In an interview with RBC, the minister spoke about the impact of sanctions on agriculture, the export of Russian products, government support for farmers, the development of domestic breeding, and other important issues.

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