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International trade - Cereals, Stern

Current information on the topic International trade - Cereals, Stern

The corn harvest has started in Ukraine: already 29.7 thousand tons of grain have been collected with a yield of 45 c/ha from 6.6 thousand hectares. `
Extension of duty on flour: Georgia balances tariffs on imported goods to support local farmers. `
Export of plant meals from Russia increased by 44% in July 2024: China is in the lead, while Latvia reduced purchases by 96%. `
MFIG has acquired 65 thousand tons of corn from Brazil at an auction for $197.90 per bushel C&F from ADM company for delivery in March 2025. `
Record harvest in the Tyumen region: 169,542 tons of grain and leguminous crops, 10,600 tons of potatoes, and much more have been harvested. `
Ministry of Agriculture: the ban on rapeseed exports will not be extended, but the introduction of an export duty on rapeseed until 2026 is being considered. `
Kabardino-Balkaria is increasing the corn yield to a historical maximum. `
Exports of agricultural products from Zabaikalye have increased to 90,000 tons in six months, with the main market being China. `
Ryazan region is successfully harvesting grain and preparing for sowing winter crops for the year 2025. `
More than 1.6 thousand tons of feed wheat have been exported from the Nizhny Novgorod region to the Yaroslavl and Vologda regions by barges. `
Harvest in Kazakhstan: favorable condition of oil crops, successful harvesting of spring crops across the country. `
Grain exports from Ukraine by rail increased by 68% in August, reaching a record amount of 1.806 million tons. `
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