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Russian market - Cereals, Stern

Current information on the topic Russian market - Cereals, Stern

Russia is planning to start exporting semolina and rye flour to China, announced the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor). `
The Ministry of Agriculture supports the idea of direct grain sales for export, bypassing traders and intermediaries from third countries. `
"Secrets of growing and storing late cabbage for health and taste" `
"Russian farmers are preparing to complete the harvesting campaign: 122 million tons of grain have been harvested." `
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation supports the digital transformation of agriculture by funding the development of domestic software solutions. `
Export of flour from Russia is growing: it is already close to the level of last year, as announced at the "Golden Autumn" exhibition. `
Hydrometeorological Centre warns that the lack of precipitation threatens the winter crops harvest in the Central Chernozem region of Russia. `
A scientific research center has been established to analyze animal feed and livestock products in the Volgograd region. `
Brewers and the Ministry of Agriculture are jointly creating the program "Brewing School" to update qualifications and develop the industry. `
"Delicious white cabbage: farmers in the Stavropol region are competing with imported varieties." `
The grain harvest in Bashkortostan in 2024 is expected to be around 3.1 million tonnes, despite unfavorable weather conditions. `
"An intensive berry garden is being established in the Tomsk region on 22 hectares." `
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