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All news - Incubator

Current information on the topic All news - Incubator on

Brazil continues to lead in corn supplies to China
An analysis of crop prices by March 29 shows that prices are gradually but steadily rising
Development of cargo transportation between Kazakhstan and China
Quotes on grain exchanges as of March 28, 2024
Development of agriculture in the Kursk region
Manipulation of the genome of a toxic alkaloid in barley opens up new opportunities for crop breeding
Caring for goats: bread in the diet
Introduction of a compartment system in poultry farming: ensuring animal health safety
The Governor of the Novosibirsk Region checked the preparation of the agro-industrial complex for spring work.
Dry weather in Brazil is reducing the sugar cane harvest: the forecast for the new season is below record levels.
The production of vegetable oil in the Ulyanovsk region exceeds the population's demand by 6.4 times.
The agroholding "Astarta" has started the sowing campaign: sugar beets have been sown on 39 thousand hectares along with other crops.
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