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Bad weather in the Rostov region: the harvest has suffered by 30%.
Наводнения в Бразилии привели к прекращению работы перерабатывающих предприятий из-за недостатка сои – компании обращаются к восстановлению.
Russian grain is aimed for export to the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, with minimal losses from Turkey's refusal.
"Rosagrolizing: new tasks and development of branch network for agricultural machinery"
Production of sugar in the Eurasian Economic Union reached 7.62 million tons: Russia is in fourth place.
The proposal to restrict sugar exports from Russia to EAEU countries has been put forward in the Ministry of Agriculture.
Russian Prime Minister Mishustin plans to increase grain exports to China: news on the development of the agro-industrial complex in the Russian Far East.
"Miratorg" agroholding will invest 4.2 billion rubles in the establishment of a breeding and seed production complex in the Kursk region by 2025.
Senator Suleyman Kerimov is interested in the privatization of the Makhachkala seaport for its development - news from the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).
Frost threatens the sugar beet crop in Germany: farmers are facing losses.
Цены на мировой сахар снизились из-за закрытия длинных позиций и укрепления индекса доллара
Ural and Siberia: new leaders in oilseed production, attracting investments and increasing exports
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