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Current information on the topic Technologies on

"Viticulture center based on the 'Yuzhnaya' agrofirm: a new stage in the development of domestic winemaking" `
Продажи сельхозтехники в России продолжают снижаться, несмотря на увеличение оборотов в денежном выражении `
More than 3 billion rubles will be allocated for the digital transformation of the Russian agro-industrial complex in 2024. - "Russian newspaper" `
The production of dairy equipment in Russia is expected to increase to 4 billion rubles by 2024, according to the forecast of the "Rosspetsmash" association. `
Rostselmash increased the shipment of agricultural machinery by 56% during the first working days of 2024. `
Putin has established a National Center for Genetic Resources of Agricultural Animals for the scientific development of the country by signing the relevant decree. `
In Russia, a project of "super clean agriculture" is being developed, without GMOs and chemicals, based on peat and biofertilizers. `
Rosselkhozcenter is launching a program to implement agrodrones for agriculture by 2026. `
Localization of food packaging production in Russia has reached all types and formats by 2024. `
A system for evaluating large horned cattle based on genetic factors has been developed to increase milk production. `
Russian fishermen are resuming the harvest of krill in Antarctica after a long break: a plan for 450,000 tons by 2030. `
Experts predict an explosive growth in automation in the food industry: the share of robots will reach 15% by 2031. `
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