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Cereals, Stern, Winter crops

Current information on the topic Cereals, Stern, Winter crops

Russia is planning to start exporting semolina and rye flour to China, announced the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor). `
Grain prices on the world exchanges fell on October 11, 2024: corn, wheat, oats are down. `
The Ministry of Agriculture supports the idea of direct grain sales for export, bypassing traders and intermediaries from third countries. `
The rise in food prices due to the conflict in Ukraine could lead to protests in poor countries, warns the WTO. `
Export of flour from Russia is growing: it is already close to the level of last year, as announced at the "Golden Autumn" exhibition. `
Hydrometeorological Centre warns that the lack of precipitation threatens the winter crops harvest in the Central Chernozem region of Russia. `
"Corn is growing, wheat is falling: a review of grain quotes on June 24, 2022" `
Grain prices on exchanges: corn CBOT fell, wheat increased, oats decreased, rice decreased on 10.10.24. `
"Grain prices are on the rise: Wheat is leading on the CBOT, KCBT, and MGE exchanges, oat prices have also increased." `
The grain harvest in Bashkortostan in 2024 is expected to be around 3.1 million tonnes, despite unfavorable weather conditions. `
Prices on grain commodity exchanges are as follows:
corn and wheat have increased, oats remain stable, rough rice has decreased. `
The prices of grains—corn, wheat, oats, and rice—have risen on the exchanges on 07.10.24. `
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