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Latest Sugar News

Current information on the topic Latest Sugar News on

Production of sugar in the Eurasian Economic Union reached 7.62 million tons: Russia is in fourth place. `
The proposal to restrict sugar exports from Russia to EAEU countries has been put forward in the Ministry of Agriculture. `
Frost threatens the sugar beet crop in Germany: farmers are facing losses. `
Цены на мировой сахар снизились из-за закрытия длинных позиций и укрепления индекса доллара `
Rail transportation in Russia grew by 93.84% in May 2024. `
Russia has temporarily banned sugar exports due to a deficit and rising prices in the domestic market, setting quotas for supplies to the EAEU countries. `
План по выращиванию сахарной свеклы в Туркменистане на 224 тыс. тонн остается неизменным, арендаторы должны соблюдать условия контрактов `
A new silicone brain implant: a soft solution for the body, preventing an immune system attack. `
Raízen confirms the launch of an IPO for a record amount of up to $2.56 billion - the largest sugar producer in Brazil and Argentina. `
Ministry of Agriculture: grain crop forecast for 2024 confirmed - 132 million tons. `
An excess of sugar supply threatens the Brazilian economy due to a decrease in demand for ethanol, according to Bloomberg's forecast. `
Рост цен на сахар: фьючерсы достигли трехнедельного максимума на биржах Нью-Йорка и Лондона. `
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