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Russia plans to export 50 million tons of wheat in the new agricultural season of 2024-2025.
agricultural products

Russia plans to export 50 million tons of wheat in the new agricultural season of 2024-2025.

In 2024-2025, Russia plans to export around 50 million tons of wheat, which is lower than last year's figure. Experts are confident in a moderate grain harvest forecast, which could exceed 93 million tons, maintaining high demand for Russian grain worldwide.

18 March 2024 18 March 2024
In the upcoming agricultural season of 2024-2025, Russia will be able to export almost 50 million tons of wheat. This was announced by the director general of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR) Dmitry Rylko at the "Crop Production of Russia" conference. This figure is significantly lower than in the previous season (which changes every July of the calendar year - ROSNG). Back then, it was around 62 million tons (including 29-30 million tons of wheat) according to various estimates. It is worth noting that Russia supplies wheat and grains in general to the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and even some countries of the European Union. Bangladesh, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and several other countries have been major buyers for several years in a row. Russian grain is purchased by more than 120 countries worldwide. The expert explained that the new estimate is based on a potential harvest of 93 million tons. According to him, this is a moderate forecast, and the actual harvest could be even higher. "But even 93 million tons is a lot. This again guarantees us a wheat export close to a record, which everyone expects from us, the whole world - 50 million tons," he emphasized. Rylko estimated the total grain harvest at 147 million tons. According to the expert, so far, no negative factors affecting the future harvest have been observed in any of the Russian grain-producing regions. "You can always find something to nitpick, but overall we don't see anything bad," he said. The last record for grain harvest, as well as for wheat, was set in 2022 - over 157.6 and 86 million tons, respectively. Previously, the largest harvest over several years amounted to more than 135.5 million tons (including 86.003 million tons of wheat) and was collected in 2017. In the previous season, farmers harvested 144.9 million tons of grain, including 92.8 million tons of wheat.
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