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Record corn harvest in Russia - 17 million tons this year
agricultural products

Record corn harvest in Russia - 17 million tons this year

Russia expects a record harvest of corn and leguminous crops: 17 million tons of corn and 5.8 million tons of leguminous crops. The collected harvest will be a historical achievement.

30 October 2023 30 October 2023

Russia expects to harvest a record amount of corn and legumes this year, experts confirmed at the Russian Plant Growing conference in Moscow. The country is projected to harvest about 17 million tons of maize and 5.8 million tons of pulses, a historic achievement.

General Director of the ProZerno company Vladimir Petrichenko emphasized that his corn harvest forecasts have already been revised upward, and he now expects that more than 16 million tons will be collected. However, under favorable conditions, this figure could reach 17 million tons, which would be a new record for the country.

In general, the total harvest of grains and legumes in Russia is expected to be about 143 million tons, including 91 million tons of wheat. Experts express the opinion that the central regions of the country will be able to repeat or even exceed last year’s record figures and harvest more than 38 million tons of grain.

It is important to note that even under unfavorable weather conditions, the southern regions will still demonstrate good harvest results. Despite the aridity, a good grain harvest is expected in the Volga region.

The presentation also indicates that grain harvest in the Southern Federal District will be approximately 39.1 million tons this year, compared to 41 million tons in 2022.

These record figures for the harvest of corn and legumes indicate that agriculture in Russia continues to develop and demonstrate sustainable growth. Increasing grain production is of great importance for the country, as it allows not only to provide the domestic market, but also to increase export opportunities.

Record grain harvests indicate that Russia's agricultural sector is becoming increasingly competitive on the world stage. Increasing production helps strengthen the economy and create new jobs. Favorable forecasts for the current year support hopes for the further development of domestic agriculture and its important role in global grain production.

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