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A draft law on state support for manufacturers of veterinary products for agriculture has been introduced.
agricultural products

A draft law on state support for manufacturers of veterinary products for agriculture has been introduced.

In the State Duma, a bill No. 630680-8 on supporting manufacturers of animal feed and medicines in agriculture has been introduced. The initiators believe that its adoption will strengthen the financial stability of the industry in the face of changing geopolitical circumstances.

The proposal has received support from the government and may come into effect from September 1, 2024.

23 May 2024 23 May 2024

A bill has been introduced in the State Duma that will provide manufacturers of animal feed, food additives, enzyme preparations, and veterinary medicinal products in agriculture with the opportunity to receive state support in the form of loans and direct budget funds.

Bill No. 630680-8 was introduced to the chamber by a group of deputies led by vice-speaker Alexey Gordeev. The project contains amendments to the law "On the Development of Agriculture," aimed at providing organizations and individual entrepreneurs with measures of state support.

The explanatory note indicates the need to create and modernize production capacities for the production of feed, food additives, enzyme preparations, and veterinary medicinal products in light of the current geopolitical situation, including issues with logistics and sharp price increases for imported goods.

The bill has been submitted with a positive conclusion from the government.

"The adoption of the provisions provided in this federal bill will lead to positive socio-economic consequences and will strengthen the financial and economic stability of organizations in the agro-industrial complex," say the deputies.

Financial and economic justification indicates that the implementation of the provisions of the bill will be carried out within the framework of funds from the federal budget allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture.

If the law is passed, it will come into force on September 1, 2024.

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