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Raising export taxes on agricultural products in Argentina
agricultural products

Raising export taxes on agricultural products in Argentina

Argentine agro-industrial groups believe that increasing export taxes on agricultural products could have a negative impact on the country's competitiveness in the global market. They intend to actively oppose these plans and hope for a dialogue with the government. In general, these groups believe that increasing taxes will negatively affect the development of agriculture and the country's economy.

8 January 2024 8 January 2024

Argentine agribusiness groups believe that increasing export taxes on agricultural products will negatively affect the competitiveness of Argentine producers in the global market. They also point out that the decision contradicts government promises to develop agriculture and increase exports.

Argentina is one of the largest soybean producers in the world and has significant opportunities to develop its agricultural sector. However, higher taxes could limit growth and investment in this area.

Agricultural groups intend to actively oppose these plans and take measures to protect their interests. They hope for dialogue with the government and that their arguments will be heard and taken into account when deciding on tax increases.

In general, Argentine agribusiness groups believe that increasing export taxes on agricultural products will negatively impact agricultural development and the country's economy as a whole. They hope that the government will listen to their opinions and find other ways to solve the country's economic problems.

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