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Иордания отказывается от покупки пшеницы из-за высоких цен: новый тендер с измененными сроками поставки ожидается.

Иордания отказывается от покупки пшеницы из-за высоких цен: новый тендер с измененными сроками поставки ожидается.

Jordan has refused to purchase wheat due to high prices.

Attention companies: a new tender with changed delivery terms will be announced by June 4.

29 May 2024 29 May 2024

According to market operators, Jordan, the state grain buyer, has refused to purchase wheat at an international tender due to high prices of the offered goods.

In particular, price offers were submitted by companies Al Dahra, Ameropa, Cargill, CHS, Viterra, Cerealcom Dolj, and GrainStar.

It is worth reminding that in April and May, Jordan has already rejected offers several times and did not make purchases at tenders due to the increase in wheat prices.

In the coming days (until June 4), an announcement is expected regarding the organization of a new tender with modified delivery terms - from July to August.

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