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Agricultural workers in the Krasnodar region have started a large-scale sowing campaign for the year 2025: they are planting 1.8 million hectares of winter crops.

Agricultural workers in the Krasnodar region have started a large-scale sowing campaign for the year 2025: they are planting 1.8 million hectares of winter crops.

Agricultural workers in the Krasnodar region have started the sowing campaign for the year 2025, planning to plant 1.8 million hectares of winter crops. They are using domestic seeds and have allocated over 400 thousand tons of seeds and 300 thousand tons of fertilizers. The campaign is scheduled to be completed by October 25.

5 October 2024 5 October 2024

Agricultural workers in the Krasnodar region, which is considered one of the key agricultural regions of the Russian Federation, have begun the sowing campaign for the year 2025. It is planned to sow around 1.8 million hectares of winter crops. This information is provided by the official website of the Krasnodar region administration.

"Our region was one of the first to start planting the future harvest. The structure of the sowing remains unchanged. The largest area, as always, is allocated for wheat - more than 1.6 million hectares. In addition, the areas of winter barley will amount to 158 thousand hectares, winter triticale - 2.5 thousand hectares, and winter rapeseed - 78 thousand hectares. Farmers use exclusively domestic seeds developed by the National Grain Center named after P. P. Lukyanenko," - quotes the Minister of Agriculture and Processing Industry, Fedor Derek, on the official website.

It is specified that around 1.8 million hectares have already been allocated for planting winter crops. Farmers have all the necessary resources, including over 400 thousand tons of seeds and more than 300 thousand tons of fertilizers. With favorable weather conditions, they plan to finish the sowing campaign by October 25.

In the Krasnodar region last year, around 1.8 million hectares were allocated for the crop of the agricultural season of 2024. Russian seeds were mainly used, with a volume of 419 thousand tons. In 2024, the region was one of the first in Russia to finish the harvest campaign of winter grain crops, harvesting almost 11.9 million tons of grain, which is 602 thousand tons more than in 2023. Over 10.2 million tons are wheat. The average yield in the region was 62.3 centners per hectare.

The Krasnodar region is one of the main agricultural regions of the Russian Federation. Grain export is the main direction of selling agricultural products of this region.

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