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Grain export from the Orenburg region has increased by 1.6 times, with Kazakhstan being the main partner.
The quality control is strict, with 143 warnings issued. `
Export of sunflower oil from Kazakhstan has increased by 66%: Uzbekistan, China, and Tajikistan are leading in purchases. `
Prices for wheat and other grain crops on the Kazakhstani market `
1.3 million tons of grain in the warehouses of Tatarstan: prices and support for agricultural enterprises. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan shared the details. `
Export of sunflower seeds from the region has successfully passed inspection and been dispatched via railway transport. `
Malaysia is set to focus on palm oil biomass for biofuel production, promising to attract investments. `
Record growth in shipments and handling: Demetra-Holding set new standards in the first quarter of 2024. `
Agrarians have started the sowing campaign with new ambitions: a plan to increase the sowing area by 15,000 hectares. `
Russian manufacturer plans to capture 25% of the sunflower seeds market by 2028, displacing imported olive oil. `
Agricultural workers in the Transbaikal region have started large-scale spring sowing on an area of ​​4.9 thousand hectares, which is twice as much as last year. `
Russia is reducing the export duty on wheat by 3.2% starting from May 8. `
TD "Rif" sells 63,000 tons of wheat to Egypt after obtaining a phytosanitary certificate. `
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