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Agrarians have started the sowing campaign with new ambitions: a plan to increase the sowing area by 15,000 hectares.
agricultural products

Agrarians have started the sowing campaign with new ambitions: a plan to increase the sowing area by 15,000 hectares.

Agricultural workers in the region are actively engaged in sowing: 30.7% of the fields have already been sown, with plans to add 15,000 hectares. 171,000 hectares of cereals have been sown. Top dressing and harrowing of the fields are almost complete. The goal is to harvest 2 million tons of grain. Control is carried out by specialists.

6 May 2024 6 May 2024

Agricultural workers in the region were fully occupied during the May holidays, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Agriculture. They have already completed the sowing campaign by 30.7% and are sowing about 11 thousand hectares of land every day. This year, it is planned to expand the total sown area by 15 thousand hectares, exceeding one million hectares.

As of May 4, 171 thousand hectares of spring cereals and leguminous crops were sown, which is 50% of the planned volume. Currently, wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat, corn, peas, vetch, chickpeas are being sown. In addition, 13 thousand hectares of sunflower, sugar beets, soybeans, rapeseed, flax, and other industrial crops have already been sown, accounting for 10% of the total volume. Feed crops have been sown on 11 thousand hectares, which is 33% of the planned volume, and the planting of vegetables has begun.

Top dressing of winter cereals and perennial grasses with fertilizers is almost completed, as well as harrowing and fallowing of the land.

The goal of farms this year is to harvest at least two million tons of grain, as noted by Governor Alexey Russkih. He also emphasized the need to focus on the quality of seeds and compliance with cultivation technologies. Therefore, sowing is carried out under the strict control of specialists from the scientific and educational cluster.

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