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Russian market

Current information on the topic Russian market on

"Башкортостан привлекает китайские инвестиции в сельское хозяйство" `
In Penza region, a state of emergency has been introduced due to the destruction of crops on 100 hectares caused by frost. Compensation and flexible conditions are provided for farmers. `
The Russian biofabric is developing new concentrated starters to accelerate ripening and diversify cheeses. `
Ultrasound modification of starch `
In the auctions of the Russian Federation, 10 wheat contracts were sold: prices and trading volumes on the 14th of May, 2024. `
In the Krasnoyarsk region, spring sowing is underway: 23.5% of the plan has been completed. Farmers are sowing lentils on 1.1 thousand hectares, aiming to increase profitability. `
Минсельхоз РФ: пятый год реализует программу развития сельских территорий `
A new discovery: the scent of lavender can help prevent the mating of powdery mildew mites in vineyards. `
Frosts and drought: the Russian agricultural sector will have to replant crops on 500,000 hectares due to unfavorable weather conditions. `
An auction at the NTB: 3375 tonnes of wheat were sold for 52.7 million rubles, the statistics of purchases into the intervention fund - 1039.8 thousand tonnes for 14846.4 million. `
Trading at the National Commodity Exchange: 760 tons of white sugar were sold at a price of 60,964 rubles per ton. `
2970 tons of grain are for sale: update of the state reserve on May 7, 2024 `
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