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Oil prices have dropped: for July 2024, by 1 US dollar per ton, for the month - by 6.03 US dollars. `
Цены на поставку товаров снижаются: новый минимум цены зафиксирован 27 июня 2024 года на уровне 964.52 доллара США за единицу. `
Пакистан закупил в России 800 тысяч тонн пшеницы на 550 миллионов долларов: интенсивное развитие торговли между странами. `
Harvesting in the Stavropol region: 35% of the area has been threshed with a harvest of 2.7 million tons of grain - details from the minister. `
The sugar beet harvest in Russia is under threat due to bad weather and weakened demand, says the Minister of Agriculture. `
Sugar on the global exchanges is rising due to the strengthening of the Brazilian real, May futures closed in the positive territory. `
The rise in sugar prices due to drought conditions in Brazil has caused a monthly high on the London Stock Exchange. `
Saudi Arabia announces a tender for the purchase of 595,000 tons of wheat with a protein content of 12.5% for the ports of Jeddah, Yanbu, Dammam, and Jizan. `
The company KAMA from Krasnokamsk is represented at INNOPROM 2024 with a unique technology for producing coated cardboard from aspen balance. `
Prices for delivery have been reduced: in July 2024, they amounted to $423.34 per ton, which is the lowest in the last 2 months. `
Grain prices at the exchanges: Corn CBOT fell, wheat SRW decreased, HRS rose, oats and rice also changed, data as of June 28, 2024. `
"The complexity of the sugarcane genome has been revealed: new perspectives for agriculture and bioenergy." `
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