12 june
Moscow, we identified your city correctly?
Yes, that's right
No, change

Many market participants, in connection with the latest developments in foreign policy and the situation in the domestic and foreign economy, are looking for information that FSIS Grain has been postponed.

At this stage, this is a new system that is being actively developed and implemented. The benefits of introducing IP for all participants in the grain market are undeniable.

Yes, this will require training of employees and some labor and time costs. Now we can definitely say that the abolition of the FSIS Grain program is not expected in the near future. On the contrary, regulatory departments and state bodies strongly support the formation of a unified register of legal entities and documents, which will significantly speed up the work process and simplify many tasks.

Civil servants of control authorities do not give information about the postponement of the implementation dates today.

So far, we can say with confidence that the deadlines declared for the connection stages are still relevant and should be adhered to.

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