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Many participants in the grain market are interested in when FSIS Zerno will start working. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1722 dated October 9, 2021 “On the federal state information system for the traceability of grain and products of its processing”, the implementation of the system will be carried out in stages. In order to understand when you need to register, you need to find out the timing of each stage of the implementation of EGAIS Grain.

Stages of implementation of FSIS Grain

Stage 1
From July 1, 2022
Start of registration of participants.
Voluntary submission of information to the information system on grain lots for registration of electronic accompanying documents (SDIZ) at all stages of the movement.
Providing information to include an organization or individual entrepreneur in the register of elevators.
Stage 2
From September 1, 2022
Mandatory provision of information on grain lots is coming
for registration of electronic accompanying documents (SDIZ) at all stages of the movement.
Providing information to include an organization or individual entrepreneur in the register of elevators.
Stage 3
From January 1, 2023
Submission of data on a voluntary basis on grain processing products for the formation of SDIZ at all stages of trade.
Stage 4
From March 1, 2023
Mandatory provision of information on grain processing products for the formation of SDIZ at all stages of trade.

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