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Grain prices have fallen on exchanges: corn, wheat, oats are declining, only rough rice prices are rising. Overview for 30.05.24. `
Volgograd region will increase the area of the second sowing after the loss of crops due to frosts by 190.7 thousand hectares. `
Demand for sugar is growing, but prices remain stable: news about sugar production and exports in Russia. `
Alania Agricultural Company is expanding tomato production in North Ossetia: a new greenhouse complex will increase volumes up to 19,000 tons by 2026. `
India is planning to resume wheat imports from Russia after a six-year hiatus to stabilize rising prices. `
Как оценить повреждение растений и повысить урожайность `
Fighting locusts in Tajikistan: innovative methods and drones offer a new solution for preserving crops. `
Yield growth: Georgia expects a 20% increase in wheat production in 2024. `
The sunflower harvest in the Saratov region is expected to reach 1.9 million tons. `
The share of good crops in the US decreased to 48% in a week, but remains higher than a year ago.
Corn and soybeans are also planted below last year's levels. `
Rostov region will increase exports of agricultural products to China: meal, oil, duck, and turkey. `
Россия готова бесплатно поставить зерно в Африку в случае окончания "зерновой сделки" в Москве `
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