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Stocks of Russian grain at the end of June increased by 58.4 percent
agricultural products

Stocks of Russian grain at the end of June increased by 58.4 percent

According to Rosstat, the stocks of grain and leguminous crops in agricultural organizations in Russia increased by 58.4%, reaching 13.197 million tonnes by the end of June 2023.

15 July 2023 15 July 2023

The stocks of grain and leguminous crops in agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation (excluding small businesses) at the end of June 2023 increased in annual terms by 58.4%, to 13.197 million tons, follows from the materials of Rosstat.

Including stocks of wheat in June increased in annual terms by 74.2%, to 7.456 million tons, corn for grain in full ripeness - by 8.1%, to 1.168 million tons.

Stocks of seeds and oilseeds in June this year increased by 51.4% compared to June last year and amounted to 1.703 million tons, including stocks of sunflower seeds increased by 74.4%, to 0.904 million tons.

Stocks of potatoes as of the reporting date decreased in annual terms by 9.8%, to 115.32 thousand tons, vegetables of closed and open ground - increased by 51.7%, to 85.912 thousand tons.

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