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In the Volgograd region, they plan to create a grain processing center
agricultural products

In the Volgograd region, they plan to create a grain processing center

In the Volgograd region, a meeting was held to discuss the harvest campaign and the creation of a grain processing center. 1 million tons of grain have already been collected in the current harvest campaign. The governor set tasks for increasing the pace of harvesting, ensuring fire safety, and food security. The creation of a large-scale grain processing center was also discussed. The government is providing support to farmers. (205 characters)

11 July 2023 11 July 2023

The issues of the harvesting campaign, as well as the use of the advantages of the Volgograd region as a key region of the North-South transport corridor to create a powerful grain processing center are among the main topics of the off-site meeting of the Presidium of the Regional Council for the Development of Rural Territories and Agro-Industrial Complex. The event took place on the basis of Aksaiskoye JSC in the Oktyabrsky district.

To date, the first million tons of grain has already been harvested - the harvesting campaign continues. Given that the bulk of the work falls on the period of extremely high temperatures in July and August, Andrey Bocharov placed special emphasis on the implementation of additional measures to ensure fire safety.

Also, during the meeting, the governor set a number of tasks to continue systematic work to ensure food security:

— gradually increase the pace of the harvesting campaign;

- continue to carry out the necessary protective measures in order to preserve the quantity and quality of the future crop;

– to ensure the efficient operation of grain storage facilities, as well as vegetable and fruit storage facilities;

- to pay special attention to the course of haymaking and forage harvesting in order to ensure the fullest supply of fodder for livestock;

- be ready to ensure the adjustment of the harvesting campaign plan, based on weather conditions and the implementation of the main task - the preservation of the grown crop.

A separate topic of the meeting was the creation of a large-scale grain processing center - for the first time, Andrey Bocharov announced the decision to implement such a project in the Volgograd region at a public meeting in April this year. Taking into account the high production volumes of these products, logistical advantages and the inclusion of the subject in the North-South strategic transport corridor, such an initiative will help build the economic potential of the regional agro-industrial complex, and will create an additional outlet for farmers to sell products. It should be noted that the region has already applied this approach to corn grain - with the construction of the NewBio plant, half of the raw materials are now processed in the region.

An important role in the preparation of farms for harvesting is also played by the timely provision of assistance from the state: since the beginning of the year, payments have already amounted to 2.7 billion rubles. The total amount of direct support in 2023 will reach about 4 billion rubles - the governor set the task of ensuring that all the funds provided for are delivered to farmers in a timely manner, as well as their effective use.

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