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Учёные из ВНИИ создали более 95 сортов сои, повысив уровень самообеспечения на Дальнем Востоке и планируют наращивать производство.
agricultural products

Учёные из ВНИИ создали более 95 сортов сои, повысив уровень самообеспечения на Дальнем Востоке и планируют наращивать производство.

Scientists from the research institute have created new varieties of soybeans, adapting them to the climates of different regions. Seed production has increased to 580 tons, with 34 varieties included in the registry.

The Amur region is a leader in Russia in soybean production. Scientists are researching resistance to various conditions and planning to export seeds. They are introducing soybeans as a vegetable crop and building new processing plants.

13 August 2024 13 August 2024

Genetic scientists from the Research Institute have created the first proprietary soybean varieties and continue to make various new changes annually to adapt the varieties to the climatic conditions of different regions in the country. Last year, the production of original high-quality seeds reached 580 tons and was offered to agricultural producers in Siberia and the Far East. Scientists are actively working with other regions in the country; for example, scientific trials of Amur soybeans will be conducted at the Lugansk Agricultural University, where agronomists will assess the adaptation of Amur seeds to a different climatic region.

In general, genetic scientists from the Research Institute have already developed more than 95 soybean varieties, of which 34 varieties have been included in the State Register. Soybean varieties developed by the Research Institute account for approximately 15% of all soybean seed production in Russia and over 40% in the Far East.

The Minister was presented with the laboratories where research is being conducted, and he was informed about the achievements and plans. For example, scientists from the Amur region patented a method to increase the resistance of soybean varieties to prolonged flooding and high soil moisture after five years of research. Currently, scientists have started a new stage of research; last year they acquired a phytotron, which allows creating extreme conditions to study the resistance of varieties to drought. In the future, the construction of a climate chamber is planned to expand research.

“The Amur region is undoubtedly a leader in agricultural production in the Far East. The Amur region is known throughout the country for its soybean production. The region makes a significant contribution to our livestock self-sufficiency in soybeans. For the third year in a row, we have achieved self-sufficiency in soybeans,” said Oksana Lut, adding that discussions are currently ongoing regarding the possibility of increasing Russian soybean production by using more productive seeds, applying more fertilizers, and introducing ultra-early-maturing varieties.

Scientists also shared their research with the Minister on using soybeans as a vegetable crop, which is becoming increasingly popular in the global market. Preliminary data from the Soy Research Institute showed that some grain varieties developed by scientists have characteristics of vegetable soybeans and can be used as green beans for food.

Institute staff conduct research both in laboratory conditions and in field plots.

The main task facing the institute is the development of high-quality soybean varieties capable of satisfying the domestic market. In the future, there are plans to start exporting seed products to other countries.

“An important decision by the federal center is the introduction of a ban on raw soybean exports. For us, this is a strategically important decision. We must process 85% of the soybeans here. Additional capacities will be acquired for processing. One of the largest facilities, a plant of the “Sodruzhestvo” group of companies, is being built in Belogorsk and will process one million tons of soybeans. The 2026 harvest will be processed at this plant. Such investment activity is the result of decisions taken by the federal ministry,” said Governor Vasily Orlov.

Oksana Lut also evaluated the level of equipment in the educational buildings and research laboratories at the Far Eastern State Agricultural University. She was shown laboratories for breeding grain crops and soybeans, as well as for plant protection and assessing the quality of plant products. Plans for the current year include joint research with employees of the All-Russian Soy Research Institute. Scientists will study how insects spread soybean diseases.

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