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Three regions of the Russian Federation expect a record harvest of peas
agricultural products

Three regions of the Russian Federation expect a record harvest of peas

The Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories will receive a record harvest of peas, said the CEO of IKAR. Already 94% of the pea fields have been harvested in the Krasnodar territory and 363 thousand tons in the Rostov region. The Stavropol territory is also close to record levels, with 600 thousand tons of peas collected.

25 July 2023 25 July 2023

Rostov Region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories will receive a record pea harvest this year, said Dmitry Rylko, General Director of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR). He specified that these regions are traditionally focused on the export of legumes.

     “In fact, records have already been set in the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region, the Stavropol Territory is already close to the record,” Interfax quotes Rylko.

In the Krasnodar Territory, 94% of the area under peas has already been harvested, 381 thousand tons have been harvested in bunker weight. The region’s farms set the previous record for peas in 2021, when the harvest amounted to 337,000 tons.

In the Rostov Region, 363,000 tons of this crop have been harvested, and farms have only 30 hectares left to thresh. The highest indicator for peas in the region was achieved in 2017 - 347 thousand tons.

The Stavropol Territory is also close to record highs - now almost 600 thousand tons of peas have been harvested there.

     “The previous record of 619 thousand tons was set in 2021. Most likely, they will get a little more and also reach a record figure, ”Rylko predicts.

According to IKAR, the share of the Rostov region, Stavropol and Kuban in the total gross pea harvest last year amounted to 25% and this year it may grow due to an increase in sown areas and weather that contributes to high yields of this crop.

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