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Russia can export about 1.5 million tons of peas this agricultural year
agricultural products

Russia can export about 1.5 million tons of peas this agricultural year

Russia plans to export a record volume of peas, demand for which is growing.

20 September 2023 20 September 2023

In this agricultural year (July 2023-June 2024), Russia can once again export a record volume of peas, the demand for which has been growing in recent years on the world market.

“Last season, exports amounted to 1.45 million tons, which was a record figure. This season, theoretically, it will be possible to supply 1.5 million tons to the world market,” Dmitry Rylko, general director of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR), told Interfax. .

“In just over two months of the current agricultural year, pea exports from the Russian Federation have already amounted to about 600 thousand tons,” he said.

According to him, exports may be higher, “but it is alarming that up to 75% of supplies come from two countries - China and Spain.” “We need to diversify export directions in order to feel more confident in the global market,” says the head of ICAR.

The Russian Federation received the right to supply peas to China after both countries signed a protocol on phytosanitary requirements for peas exported from Russia to the Chinese market on October 10, 2022.

As Rylko stated, the export estimate is based on the fact that the three largest producers of peas in the Russian Federation - the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, as well as the Rostov region - are “producing a record harvest” this year. These regions traditionally account for up to 25% of Russian pea production. They are also major exporters of this legume.

According to his forecast, the pea harvest this year will be “in the region of 4 million tons.”

According to Rosstat, in 2022 the Russian Federation harvested 3.616 million tons of peas (in weight after processing) - an increase of 14.2% against 3.168 million tons in 2021.

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