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Rosselkhoznadzor is discussing with Egypt the permanent accreditation of agro-industrial complex exporters
agricultural products

Rosselkhoznadzor is discussing with Egypt the permanent accreditation of agro-industrial complex exporters

The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) is discussing the permanent accreditation for the supply of Russian dairy products to Egypt. Negotiations have also been held with Egypt regarding the supply of feed for aquaculture. Agreements have been reached with India on conducting inspections of enterprises and supplying pork and poultry meat. Cooperation in grain and fish supplies is being developed with Cuba.

28 June 2023 28 June 2023

Rosselkhoznadzor is discussing with the competent department of Egypt permanent accreditation for the supply of products of Russian exporting enterprises, including dairy products, head of the department Sergey Dankvert said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

“At the site of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, we held negotiations with Egypt on the supply of modern aquaculture feed from local production facilities, and also discussed the permanent accreditation of our exporting enterprises, including dairy ones. It was decided that our representatives will go to Egypt to inspect the production of fish feed, and the Egyptian colleagues will come to us with an inspection of poultry meat and dairy products," Dankvert said.

In general, during the forum, a number of meetings and negotiations of the department with representatives of friendly countries regarding mutual supplies of agricultural products took place: for example, with Pakistan, among other positions, the growth of supplies of rice, as well as the supply of sunflower seeds, was discussed. "At the moment, the first batch of sunflower seeds has already arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation," Dankvert specified.

In addition, the Russian Federation and India recently agreed to conduct mutual inspections of enterprises producing livestock products and supplying pork and poultry meat there under one-time licenses.

The Russian Federation also counts on the development of cooperation with Cuba and an increase in the volume of mutual deliveries: for example, from June 17 to July 1, an inspection visit by the Cuban side to Russian enterprises interested in supplying their products there takes place.

"The Cuban side has an interest in importing Russian grain: for example, in 2022, 19.6 thousand tons of wheat were shipped there from the Russian Federation, since the beginning of 2023 - 25 thousand. Also now, under the guarantees of the state veterinary service, we have certified six Cuban fish processing enterprises: there were no deliveries in 2023. But if back in 2021 they were noticeable - 588 tons, and in 2022 they decreased to 6 tons," Dankvert specified.

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