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The Ministry of agriculture warned of an impending disaster with fuel
agricultural products

The Ministry of agriculture warned of an impending disaster with fuel

Minister of Agriculture Patrushev warned of harvest collection stop due to fuel shortage.

6 September 2023 6 September 2023

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture Patrushev warned about stopping the harvest due to fuel

The problem with the provision of fuel to agricultural enterprises has sharply worsened in the last week, by now we can talk about an impending disaster - stopping the harvesting campaign and sowing winter crops. This was stated by Russian Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev at a meeting of the committees for control and agrarian issues of the State Duma, TASS reports.

According to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, until recently it was about problems with fuel prices and how to somehow sell diesel fuel to farmers cheaper, but now the question is that it should be at least at some price. The agency has to work manually with oil refineries (ORs) in each region and look for fuel for enterprises.

“The problem with fuel is screaming, everyone should deal with it,” the minister stressed. He proposed to completely stop the export of oil products until the situation stabilizes, although he noted that this was not an initiative, but thoughts out loud.

In turn, First Deputy Minister of Energy Pavel Sorokin said that work with the Ministry of Agriculture is being carried out "on a daily basis in terms of bringing the necessary volumes to agricultural consumers," Interfax notes. The official added that the Ministry of Agriculture announced the need for 500,000 tons of fuel to complete field work, and this issue is being worked out with oil companies.

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