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"How to Ensure Successful Overwintering of Grapevines: Experts' Tips on Caring for Vineyards in Autumn"
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"How to Ensure Successful Overwintering of Grapevines: Experts' Tips on Caring for Vineyards in Autumn"

Specialists recommend preparing the vineyard for winter: remove fallen leaves, provide watering and pruning, apply fertilizers, cover from frost, monitor pests, and check the irrigation system. This will help successfully survive the winter and preserve the harvest.

18 October 2024 18 October 2024

First of all, specialists recommend to tidy up the vineyard. It is important to remove all fallen leaves, as they may contain spores of various diseases, increasing the risk of infecting grapevines. It is especially important to provide good watering in the autumn due to the dry conditions that, for example, were characteristic of the Rostov region this season.

Abundant watering is an effective method of protecting grapevines from winter frosts: moist bushes cope better with adverse conditions and are less susceptible to cold. This process should start after the leaves have fallen and when the air temperature is not higher than 10°C.

For each mature bush, 5 to 10 buckets of water are necessary. Watering should be done directly under the bush or in specially dug furrows located about a meter away from the stem, as most of the grape's absorbing roots are concentrated at this distance. A few days after watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil around the bushes to improve air access to the roots.

For successful wintering of grapevines, the branch's specialists recommend the following procedures:

1. Removal of leaves and pruning. Get rid of all dried and damaged leaves from the plants to reduce the risk of diseases and improve ventilation. Also, conduct formative pruning: remove excess shoots, as well as old and sick branches. Leave only healthy vines that will be able to grow actively in the next season.

2. Autumn feeding. Apply fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. These elements strengthen the root system and help plants withstand winter cold. Use compost or manure to increase soil fertility and provide additional nutrition.

3. Frost protection. In northern regions, cover the vines at the first frosts. Agrofibre, old blankets, or spruce boughs can be used for insulation. Mulch the soil around the grape roots with a layer of straw, peat, or wood shavings to protect the roots from freezing and improve soil structure.

4. Pest control. Treat the vineyards with special solutions against diseases and insects. Regularly check the plants for pests, remove affected parts, and apply appropriate remedies.

5. Check the irrigation system. If you have a drip system, protect the pipes from cold to avoid damage.

6. Temperature monitoring. Monitor temperature changes and, in case of a threat of severe frosts, additionally cover the vines.

Grapes require careful care, and the work done before the winter period is crucial to ensure the successful wintering of this valuable crop.

Source: Rostov branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Rosselkhozcenter".

Photo: Anna Medvedeva,

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