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IKAR predicts an increase in sown areas of oilseeds by 200-350 thousand hectares in the upcoming 2024-2025 season.

IKAR predicts an increase in sown areas of oilseeds by 200-350 thousand hectares in the upcoming 2024-2025 season.

The director of IKAR predicts an increase in sown areas of oilseeds by 200-350 thousand hectares in the next season. This was proposed at the grain conference.

24 March 2024 24 March 2024

According to Dmitry Rylko, the director of the Institute for Agricultural Market Conditions (IKAR), the sown areas for oilseed crops may increase by 200-350 thousand hectares

According to Dmitry Rylko, in the upcoming agricultural season of 2024-2025, the areas allocated for oilseed crop cultivation may increase by 200-350 thousand hectares after a decrease in the current season. He announced this during the XVII Winter Grain Conference.

The director of the Institute for Agricultural Market Conditions, Dmitry Rylko, expressed the opinion that in the next season, the size of sown areas for oilseed crops in the country, such as sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, flax, and safflower, will not be replenished. However, Rylko assumes that in the 2024-2025 season, almost all oilseed crops, except for sunflower, will see an increase in sown areas.

IKAR estimates that in the upcoming season, the sown areas for sunflower will decrease from 9,818 thousand hectares to 9,550-9,700 thousand hectares, for soybeans - will increase from 3,628 thousand hectares to 3,900-4,000 thousand hectares, for rapeseed - from 2,108 thousand hectares to 2,200-2,300 thousand hectares, for flax - from 1,410 thousand hectares to 1,500 thousand hectares. Thus, the total area of oilseed crop cultivation will increase, although the record of 18,600 thousand hectares in 2022 will not be surpassed.

The Winter Grain Conference, taking place from February 28 to March 1 in Belokurikha, Altai Krai, is intended for developing strategies for the development of Russia's grain sector, making effective management decisions based on quality business contacts and exchanging relevant market information. The event is held with the support of the government of Altai Krai and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

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