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Russian market - Latest Sugar News

Current information on the topic Russian market - Latest Sugar News

Russia is increasing the share of domestic sugar beet seeds amid import substitution. `
The 'Rusagro' group of companies has increased sugar production and sales in the first quarter of 2024. `
Trading in white sugar: sales volume and prices on the National and Saint Petersburg exchanges on April 25, 2024 `
"Prodimeks" agroholding speeds up spring sowing: grains and beets are planted earlier than usual. The total area of beets has doubled. `
"Ставропольский университет и "Союзсемсвекла" создают кластер по семеноводству сахарной свеклы для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности" `
Sugar trading: spot trading and commodity auctions on the Moscow Exchange and the St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange, prices and volumes of transactions in April 2024. `
Продажи сахара на бирже: округа, объемы и цены. ЦФО лидирует, СФО и УрФО также в игре. `
The average price of sugar has reached 72.24 rubles per kilogram, showing an increase of 1.8% for the first quarter of 2024. `
Ekoniva significantly increased sugar beet plantings in the Kursk region, expecting a record harvest of up to 215 thousand tonnes of this fragrant vegetable. `
Prodimex is preparing for the summer season: equipment modernization and sugar beet planting throughout Russia. `
Посев сахарной свеклы в странах ЕАЭС увеличился на 200 тыс. га: рост посевных площадей до 1,2 млн га `
Sugar exports from the CIS countries increased by 3.9 times, while beet sugar production grew by 8% - future forecasts look promising. `
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