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Winter crops - Fork Cast

Current information on the topic Winter crops - Fork Cast on

A week №22 2024

The cleaning campaign in the Krasnodar Territory will start two weeks earlier due to the rapid development of winter crops.

Agricultural enterprises in the Krasnodar region will start harvesting earlier - in the first decade of June. Winter wheat occupies 1.6 million hectares out of the total area of 2.5 million. It is planned to harvest 14 million tons of crop, despite unfavorable weather conditions. Small frosts damaged sugar beets, corn, soybeans, and sunflowers.

Россия планирует экспортировать рекордные 62,8 млн тонн зерна за сельхозгод: как это отразится на мировом рынке?

Russia plans to export 62.8 million tons of grain in the current agricultural year, which is 8% more than last year. Shipments of sunflower wheat have decreased, and the grain is being sent to 34 countries. In the central part of the country, wheat prices have risen to $155 per ton.

A week №21 2024

"Russia will start delivering grain to the countries in need through Qatar: timelines for implementation are not yet defined"

The press secretary of the President of Russia shared information about sending grain to disaster-stricken countries through Qatar.

Currently, the delivery dates are not defined, but grain supplies are already being sent to five African countries.

Russia is preparing for a drought: The forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center for May describes a deterioration of agrometeorological conditions.

In May, drought will intensify in southern Russia, while regions of the North Caucasus and Western Siberia can expect rain. In the central black soil regions, there is insufficient precipitation. Freezes at the beginning of the month led to the introduction of a state of emergency in several regions.

A week №19 2024

The grain harvest in Russia is under threat due to unfavorable weather conditions: the country's exports and economy are at stake.

Russia is facing a threat of reduced grain and wheat harvest due to drought in the south of the country and poor agricultural practices. Experts are concerned about a decrease in exports and harvest, which could worsen the economic situation and position in the global market.

Possible rains in May may partially improve the situation.

A week №18 2024

The trading house RIF has filed a lawsuit seeking compensation for damages against the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor).

The trading house "RIF", now renamed "Native Fields", has filed a lawsuit for $60,000 against the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) due to delays in obtaining certificates.

Three ships with certificates have been exported to Egypt, while eight ships are still detained. The losses are estimated by the company's founder at $1 million per day.

World wheat prices are rising: Soft +9.63%, Hard +11.13%, Spring +7.77%. An increase in exports is expected.

World prices for wheat are rising: soft winter +9.63%, hard winter +11.13%, hard spring +7.77%. Maize +1.50%, rice -1.00%.

In Russia, prices are decreasing: wheat -0.09%, barley -2.39%, maize +2.00%.

Sales of agricultural machinery are increasing, but volumes are decreasing due to low incomes of farmers.

A week №17 2024

Egypt has proposed the establishment of an international grain storage center to tackle the food crisis.

Egypt plans to establish an international center for storing and trading grain to combat food crisis. The initiative is supported by development partners and actively discussed at the G20 summit.

The African Union is joining the G20. These steps will help influence global politics and economy.

A week №16 2024

New trilateral agreement on grain supplies: Russia, Turkey, and Qatar are negotiating in Budapest.

Over the weekend in Budapest, a new trilateral agreement on grain supplies may be concluded. Tatarstan will be represented by its head for Russia, Turkey - by the president, and Qatar - as a sponsor. The previous deal was not executed due to the conflict between Russia and the UN.
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