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Oilseeds - Fork Cast

Current information on the topic Oilseeds - Fork Cast on

A week №22 2024

Alania Agricultural Company is expanding tomato production in North Ossetia: a new greenhouse complex will increase volumes up to 19,000 tons by 2026.

In North Ossetia, a greenhouse complex is planned to be built for growing tomatoes, which will increase production to 19,000 tons by 2026. The investments will amount to 15 billion rubles, and 860 jobs will be created. The company "Alania" intends to compete with importers, especially during the winter.

India is planning to resume wheat imports from Russia after a six-year hiatus to stabilize rising prices.

India plans to resume wheat imports from Russia after 6 years to stabilize prices due to crop failure. The market may also start importing chickpeas and other grains. India has increased agricultural imports from Russia by 76% to $572 million in the 1st quarter.

Fighting locusts in Tajikistan: innovative methods and drones offer a new solution for preserving crops.

Tajikistan has been fighting locusts for 10 years already.

The problem involves chemical treatments, and the use of drones is proposed for effective control and minimization of impact on the environment.

International cooperation will help strengthen the country's resilience against insect pests.

Rostov region will increase exports of agricultural products to China: meal, oil, duck, and turkey.

In 2024, the Rostov region plans to increase the export of agricultural products to China. Last year, the export volume tripled, reaching 662 thousand tons worth $294 million. The exports include meal cakes, sunflower oil, flax seeds, dried peas, duck and turkey meat, as well as milk, cream, rapeseed, and rapeseed oil.

Cooperation with China is planned to be further developed.

Vladimir Vladimirov checked the crops of proactive breeders in the Stavropol region, aiming for the region's self-sufficiency with its own seeds.

Governor Vladimirov visited a scientific agricultural center in the North Caucasus, where he inspected wheat crops. He set a task to provide the region with seeds of agricultural crops taking into account the climate. He then evaluated the crops in a collective farm where 2300 hectares of winter cereals were sown. Harvesting will begin in June on 2.4 million hectares of grains. The governor noted the active development of crop insurance and land reclamation.

Forecast for buckwheat sowing remains stable, but prices continue to fall, impacting agricultural producers.

The Ministry of Agriculture predicts that buckwheat plantings this year will remain at the level of the previous year - over 1.2 million hectares. The harvest will influence the prices of buckwheat, which is currently priced at half the cost of last year: from 15 to 17 thousand rubles per ton. Demand could increase if the harvest decreases more than expected.

Rostov Region is preparing for reseeding after losses from May frosts - renewal of 150,000 hectares is planned.

The Rostov region plans to re-sow 150 thousand hectares after the frosts, which destroyed more than 211 thousand hectares of crops. Farmers are switching to spring crops, and winter wheat suffered the most. The harvest will be affected, but a grain shortage is not expected.

The Ministry of Agriculture declares a state of emergency due to frosts: grain harvest in Russia is falling below 130 million tons.

The Ministry of Agriculture is preparing to declare a state of emergency due to frosts that have damaged the grain crop. The losses are estimated in millions of tons and billions of rubles, with reduced forecasts for grain yield and export. Agricultural crops have been affected on millions of hectares, especially in the central and southern regions of the country.

A large batch of fresh fruits and vegetables from Central Asian countries has arrived in Chelyabinsk for inspection before being sold.

Today, various batches of plant products from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Georgia arrived in the main city of the Southern Urals. After inspection by the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, vegetables and fruits will be allowed for sale.

In the Chelyabinsk region, 65% of the products have arrived, including 171 tons.

A week №21 2024

Export of Russian vegetable oils to China has reached a record level, strengthening its position in the global market.

In the 1st quarter of 2024, Russia increased the export of vegetable oils to China to 578.3 thousand tons (+18.2%). China has become the main buyer of sunflower, rapeseed, and soybean oil. The export of meal has also grown. India, Turkey, Egypt have increased their purchases. Export prospects are optimistic, but palm oil prices may impact the situation.

Grupo Bimbo and CIMMyT are implementing regenerative farming methods in Mexico, increasing crop yields and economic efficiency.

Grupo Bimbo and CIMMYT are collaborating on implementing regenerative methods in Mexican agriculture to increase wheat and maize yields. This leads to a significant increase in productivity and reduction of crop losses. The company plans to expand the program to new territories.

The global market for palm oil is expected to further decline in prices due to increased production and reduced demand.

Prices for palm oil in exporting countries are prone to decrease due to increased production and reduced demand. It is expected that this trend will continue due to market oversupply and expectations of further price declines.

Exchange rates also affect the product's affordability for international buyers, but weak demand creates uncertainty in the market. Analysts warn of increased volatility in the near future.

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