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In the "Desktop" section, the digital platform provides an opportunity to view the details of placed orders and concluded deals, as well as analytical information.

Desktop section presents a graphical user interface for displaying reports on placed orders and deals. Reports can be visualized in the form of tables, infographics, statistics and other types of reports.

Desktop section contains information:

  • about your current deals and their statuses, status blocks allow you to go to the corresponding tab of the "My deals" section
  • number of views of placed orders for the period
  • number of executed trades

The section also provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the general statistics of orders placed on the trading floor and deals made:

  • by products
  • by country

In the "Desktop" section, the ability to filter values in blocks is implemented. Exclude it from the chart by clicking on the corresponding value.

In the "Desktop" section, you can place an order to buy or sell a product.

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