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Current information on the topic Wheat on

Rate Reduction: Ukrzaliznytsia has approved new prices for renting freight cars and tank wagons. `
Russia has increased its agricultural exports to Indonesia by $283 million in 2023, with wheat leading the way. `
Grain prices on exchanges have fallen, except for red spring wheat, which has increased. All details as of 29.04.24. `
The growth of fertilizer production in Russia: in 2024 +18.9% in three months `
The agricultural department of Russia has reduced water tariffs for rice production in Kalmykia. `
In Russia, there are plans to build two new citric acid production plants to meet the growing demand for the product. `
Flour mills in Kazakhstan have suspended operations due to the pressure of Russian flour, which is 50 tenge cheaper than theirs. `
Demand for meat in the Moscow region increased during the May holidays: prices are up by 15%, and consumer interest by 40%. `
Более миллиона гектаров в Тюменской области будут засеяны разнообразными культурами в 2024 году благодаря современной технике `
The trading house RIF has filed a lawsuit seeking compensation for damages against the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor). `
"Meta-analysis of conservation measures: 44,000 species at risk of extinction, but actions help to preserve biodiversity" `
"Turkey and the UN offer Russia to resume the grain deal, but there are unresolved issues." `
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