According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture, this year it was planned to sow sugar beets on an area of 1.07 million hectares, slightly more than last year's 1.06 million hectares. By May 28, the actual areas reached 1.12 million hectares. However, due to frost and drought, some crops perished, and the final areas may be lower than planned.
According to the leading expert of the Institute for Agricultural Market Conjecture, Evgeny Ivanov, frosts negatively affected the sowing. Crops suffered in all regions from Bryansk to Ufa. On average, the losses amounted to about 10% of the total sugar beet area. In some farms, more than half of the areas had to be replanted. Replanting always increases costs since it requires additional purchase of seeds and other expenses. According to the expert's estimates, costs per hectare increase by 10-15%.
The President of the company "Agrotech-Garant" Sergey Orobinsky reported that sugar beets were completely destroyed at the company's enterprises in the Voronezh region, and 18% was replanted.
In the company "Prodimeks," a significant reduction in the number of sugar beet sowings was confirmed due to frosts in the first decade of May. Replanting was promptly carried out on 19 thousand hectares. A decrease in density was noted on large areas, but it was decided not to replant as, thanks to the early sowing date, the yield remains at a good level.
In the agricultural firm "Progress" from the Krasnodar region, drought had a stronger impact on the crops than frosts. The dry spring led to a decrease and unevenness in beet emergence. Therefore, beet yield will be 15-25% lower than planned. However, in dry years, sugar content is often higher, partially compensating for the yield decrease.
In general, the areas under sugar beets in the agro-holding "Agrokomplex Labinsky" were increased to supply three sugar plants. However, it is still too early to rely on a high yield. According to forecasts, the yield will be 15-25% below planned.
In the South, sugar beet sowings were not affected by frosts, but since there was little rainfall in the spring, the yield may be below average for the region. Overall, the sugar beet yield will depend on the weather during the summer period.
Due to frosts and drought, the volume of sugar production in Russia may be below market demand. In this case, a decision on duty-free sugar import may be possible.