In the Altai Territory in 2024, the gross harvest of cereals and leguminous crops amounted to about 6 million tons, as reported by the region's governor Viktor Tomenko in his Telegram channel. Together with oilseeds, the total harvest volume reached 8.4 million tons.
"According to operational data, the harvest volume is 8.4 million tons. Absolute records were set for both oilseeds and spring wheat, oats, and barley," Tomenko wrote.
Specifically, 3.4 million tons of spring wheat were harvested with a yield of 22 c/ha, over 740 thousand tons of buckwheat, more than 530 thousand tons of barley with a yield of 20 c/ha, more than 440 thousand tons of oats with a yield of 21 c/ha, and over 150 thousand tons of lentils.