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"Harvesting has been completed in four districts of the Kurgan region, with the highest yield of winter crops in Vargashinsky district."
agricultural products

"Harvesting has been completed in four districts of the Kurgan region, with the highest yield of winter crops in Vargashinsky district."

In Kurgan region, 18.7 thousand hectares of winter crops have been harvested, yielding 55 thousand tons of crops. The best results were achieved in Vargashinsky district (52.9 c / ha of wheat) and Pritobolsky district (44 c / ha of rye). Additionally, the harvesting of legumes and vegetables has begun, with ZAO "Kartofel" harvesting 180 tons of carrots.

14 August 2024 14 August 2024

Four administrative districts have completed the harvest.

In the Kurgan Region, four districts have completed the harvest of winter crops: Vargashinsky, Ketovsky, Lebyazhevsky, and Pritobolsky, as reported by the regional Department of Agro-Industrial Complex.

At the moment, 18.7 thousand hectares have been harvested in the region (out of 23.3 thousand hectares), the total yield exceeded 55 thousand tons, with an average yield of 29.7 centners per hectare.

The highest yield of winter wheat is noted in the Vargashinsky district - 52.9 centners per hectare. In the Pritobolsky district, the highest yield of winter rye is recorded - 44 centners per hectare.

Several farms in the region have also started harvesting leguminous crops and early varieties of vegetables. For example, at the ZAO "Kartofel" enterprise, more than 180 tons of carrots have already been harvested.

According to the acting director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Complex of the Kurgan Region, Alexey Kremliev, the use of modern agrotechnologies and the selection of suitable varieties of winter crops allow us to count on a good harvest this year.

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