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Students of South Caucasian Federal University have developed a sensor system to increase crop yields in greenhouses.
agricultural products

Students of South Caucasian Federal University have developed a sensor system to increase crop yields in greenhouses.

The rector of South Caucasian Federal University noted that the system developed by the scientific team allows for automatic control of the microclimate in greenhouses, increasing productivity. Students have developed a resource-saving system based on IoT. The project is presented at a scientific competition. An "smart greenhouse" and a mathematical model have been created. Scientists plan to participate in the competition at Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

25 March 2024 25 March 2024
Dmitry Bespalov, the rector of SFedU, noted that the results of the research conducted by the scientific team represent a huge breakthrough in agriculture. The system they have created allows for automatic monitoring of soil and air humidity levels, as well as maintaining optimal temperature in greenhouses and conducting regular irrigation. The application of this technology has the potential to significantly increase crop yields and optimize the process of growing agricultural crops. The intelligent system analyzes and adjusts parameters such as temperature, humidity, air composition, and other important factors, ensuring control over the microclimate in greenhouses. Sensors installed in the soil provide information about moisture levels and the watering needs of plants. This allows for timely irrigation, water conservation, and prevention of overhydration. Under the guidance of their academic mentors, students Alina Bagautdinova and Nikita Fisenko developed an information system for resource conservation based on Internet of Things technology for producing agricultural products in closed ground. They presented this project at the final of the 3rd Russian scientific competition of the Andrey Melnichenko Foundation, which took place in the city of Kemerovo. Maria Lapina, Acting Deputy Director for Research at the SFedU Digital Development Institute and the scientific leader of the group, highlighted that this development as a whole represents a vivid example of the merger of modern technologies and agriculture. It unveils new opportunities for increasing crop yields and the sustainability of the agro-industrial complex. The SFedU team's development may attract interest from companies, investors, and scientific organizations. Currently, a mathematical model of the "Smart Greenhouse," a digital replica, a prototype, and a web interface have already been created. Scientists plan to present their IT project at a competition to be held at the N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University. SFedU actively implements scientific projects in the field of technologies for agriculture and the food industry within the framework of the "Priority 2030" state program. They have also developed robotic technologies for harvesting tomatoes in greenhouses and intelligent systems for determining the ripeness of vegetables.
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