The halt of the harvest in Khakassia has become inevitable due to heavy snowfall and a sharp decrease in average daily temperatures. The weather forecast for the upcoming days is not comforting - precipitation is expected in most districts. About 7.5 thousand hectares of arable land remain under the snow, half of which are located in the Ordzhonikidzevsky and Shirinsky districts, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of the republic.
The Hydrometeorological Center of Khakassia reports that the region is currently under the influence of a powerful cyclone. Over the weekend, wheat, flax, and other agricultural crops were covered with snow. Particularly affected are the areas where a state of emergency was previously declared due to weather conditions.
Large agricultural enterprises in the Shirinsky district, such as LLC "Tselinnoye" and LLC "Sonskoye," have successfully completed the harvesting with minimal losses. However, in the Ordzhonikidzevsky district, 3.5 thousand tons of wheat were flattened due to soil overmoistening. The farms' calculations for harvesting from these areas and redirecting it to feed have changed again due to weather conditions.
The head of the Department of Crop Production and Mechanization of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Khakassia, Alexander Fedorov, notes that the snow cover is temporary, and once it melts, work in the fields will resume. Currently, about 7.5 thousand hectares of grain and oil crops need to be harvested in the Shirinsky, Ordzhonikidzevsky, and Bogradsky districts. Fields with lodged wheat will be used for cattle grazing in the near future.
The yield of grain crops this year is 5-6 centners per hectare lower than last year's figures. It is expected to harvest 125 thousand tons of grain, of which 17.5 thousand tons will be used for seeds.