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"The Russian grain harvest will reach 145 million tons, exports are at a peak, and China has preferred spring wheat."
Winter crops

"The Russian grain harvest will reach 145 million tons, exports are at a peak, and China has preferred spring wheat."

The head of the Russian Grain Union has announced a record harvest in Russia - around 145 million tons of grain, including 92-93 million tons of wheat. The export reached 47 million tons, with a forecast of 70 million tons. China does not buy winter wheat due to profitability, preferring other products. Russia has displaced France in the Algerian market.

12 March 2024 12 March 2024

Statements of the head of the Russian Grain Union, Arkady Zlochevsky, during a press conference on March 11 in Moscow.


It is expected to harvest about 145 million tons of grain in Russia this year, taking into account new areas, including about 92-93 million tons of wheat. The total area sown with winter grains is 20 million hectares. Overall, the condition of winter grains causes only minor concerns, as moisture reserves are sufficient. In addition, only about 4% of the areas are in poor or uneven condition, which is a rather low figure. Over the past 10 years, the average rate of this indicator was 6%. Winter grains account for approximately 70% of the total wheat harvest, with spring crops making up the rest.


From the beginning of the agricultural season (from July 1, 2023) until March 10, Russia exported 47 million tons of grain, which was a record figure in the history of exports, despite lower rates in recent months. Currently, export volumes have increased. At the end of the season, the export potential is estimated at about 70 million tons, if the corresponding volumes are added to the established quotas.


China does not allow the import of Russian winter wheat into its market due to the desire to obtain more favorable terms. China has already been able to purchase non-genetically modified Russian soy at the price of genetically modified soy, even though the latter is significantly cheaper on the world market. China also prefers to purchase spring wheat, rapeseed, and peas from Russia. However, the volumes of deliveries of these products are insignificant, as Russia's main export product is winter wheat.


Russia has managed to displace France from the grain market in Algeria as the main supplier. Russia offered lower prices for grain, which led to this market taking fifth place in terms of purchases of Russian grain. In addition to low prices, political circumstances also influenced the situation. Algeria, as well as Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Yemen, Israel, and Kenya, are actively increasing their purchases of Russian grain.

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