During an inspection at the "Polosa" company, a nursery where M-9 and VA 29 rootstocks are being propagated was examined. The check revealed that the rootstocks are not infected with diseases or pests, have not been affected by low temperatures, and their biometric characteristics meet the established standards. The volume of rootstocks is approximately 390 thousand pieces.
Experts inspected and selected grape cuttings samples at "Derbent Agro" and "Vekha" companies, and familiarized themselves with the grafting process at the grafting complex located in the village of Darkush-Kazmalyar, Suleiman-Stalsky district. Cobber 5 BB cuttings are used as rootstock material, produced both at the local enterprise and in the Republic of Serbia. Overall, it is planned to carry out about 3 million grafts.
It is worth noting that within the past two years, two generative nurseries for growing Cobber 5 BB variety have been established at the "Vekha" company, covering an area of 40 hectares. This will enable in the future to fully meet not only the company's own needs for rootstock material but also the entire republic's needs in general.
This specific rootstock has several advantages in protecting vineyards from phylloxera - a quarantine pest, and demonstrates higher productivity compared to vineyards grown on their own roots.