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Grain producers in Kazakhstan complain about crop loss
Winter crops
agricultural products

Grain producers in Kazakhstan complain about crop loss

Abnormal heat and rainy autumn have had a negative impact on the wheat harvest. Producers are forced to sell sprouted wheat at significantly lower prices. The grain quality has decreased due to the weather conditions. Despite this, wheat and flour prices will remain unchanged. Grain with low quality can be sold to Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and China. Kazakhstan exports about 9 million tons of wheat annually.

6 December 2023 6 December 2023

Abnormal heat in the summer and rainy autumn had a detrimental effect on the wheat harvest.

According to entrepreneurs, the elevators are loaded with sprouted grain of very low quality. Producers have to sell such wheat much cheaper in order to justify their costs, Atameken Business reports.

  The “whims” of nature literally forced wheat producers to work in unforeseen conditions. According to them, there has not been such a harvest for the last four years. At first, the heat had a detrimental effect on the growth of grain, and then the resulting volume was “finished off” by rains. As a result, instead of high-quality grain, producers collected sprouted wheat from the fields. This means that you can sell it at half the price of a quality product.

“The elevators are now completely filled with grain, but mainly in the Akmola and North Kazakhstan regions, the quality is worse, the quality is very poor in the Akmola region. Previously, the Akmola region was always famous for its quality. This year the conditions are very difficult,” the entrepreneur said Daulet Uvashev.

Despite all this, experts say, the price of wheat and flour will not change. Now, according to market participants, the cost is adequate and not high. However, experts pay attention to the fact that the price of Kazakh wheat is determined by the price of Russian wheat.

“Whether we want it or not, due to the agreements of the EurAsEC with its open borders, this is happening de facto. And this is happening not only for grain, this is happening for many products: dairy products, vegetable oils, flour, pasta Yes, that is, a lot, you probably see everything yourself on store shelves,” said expert and official representative of the Grain Union of Kazakhstan Evgeniy Karabanov.

However, sprouted wheat is ready to be bought in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and China. Therefore, according to experts, manufacturers will at least somehow recoup their costs. By the way, Kazakhstan annually produces approximately 16 million tons of wheat. This year, 9 million tons of grain were exported, but imports amounted to 2.5 million tons.

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