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Forecast on grain harvest in Russia: around 130 million tons, with wheat reaching 83 million tons, thanks to modern technologies.
agricultural products

Forecast on grain harvest in Russia: around 130 million tons, with wheat reaching 83 million tons, thanks to modern technologies.

It is expected that the grain harvest this year will amount to about 130 million tons, including 83 million tons of wheat. Poor weather in Siberia and collection issues in some regions have led to a lowering of the forecast. Already, 122 million tons of grain have been harvested, ensuring food security and creating potential for exports.

11 October 2024 11 October 2024

It is expected that this year's grain harvest will reach around 130 million tons, including 83 million tons of wheat, as announced by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev at the "Golden Autumn" exhibition. He noted that thanks to modern technologies and agricultural productivity, a decent harvest is predicted, which will ensure the domestic market and support high export potential for both raw materials and processed products.

At the early stages, it was forecasted that the grain harvest would amount to about 132 million tons, including 85-86 million tons of wheat. However, adverse weather conditions in Siberia and issues with harvesting in the regions under the WTO regime led to a downward revision of the forecast. Minister of Agriculture Oksana Lut stated that the final forecast will be announced this week, after receiving the final information from regional authorities.

Patrushev reminded that this year agriculture has faced unfavorable weather conditions: early frosts, summer drought, and heavy rains during harvesting. Currently, farmers in Siberia are struggling to complete the harvest. It is noted that 122 million tons of grain have already been harvested, ensuring Russia's food security and creating potential for exports.

Winter sowing is also ongoing, and as highlighted by Patrushev, the progress is keeping up with last year's pace. The sown area has already exceeded 13 million hectares. However, due to the lack of rainfall, winter sowing is facing difficulties, according to statements from Oksana Lut.

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