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La Niña forecast and its impact on agriculture in 2024
agricultural products

La Niña forecast and its impact on agriculture in 2024

The forecasts indicate the occurrence of La Niña in the second half of 2024. This weather phenomenon will lead to increased rainfall in Australia, Southeast Asia, and India, as well as drier weather in North and South America. The probability of La Niña developing from June to August is 55%. This weather phenomenon will be favorable for wheat, corn, soybean, and maize production in the United States and Latin America.

13 February 2024 13 February 2024

According to the Climate Prediction Center (CPC), after a prolonged El Niño throughout the year, another weather event, La Niña, is expected to occur in the second half of 2024. This phenomenon is characterized by low temperatures in the Pacific Ocean and is noted to typically lead to increased precipitation in Australia, Southeast Asia and India, as well as drier weather in the Americas.

Although forecasts made in the spring are generally less reliable, the trend is that hot and dry weather in Asia and heavy rain in parts of the Americas are likely to give way to neutral conditions in April-June 2024.

CPC experts say there is a 55% chance of La Nina developing from June to August.

La Niña is expected to have a positive impact on U.S. wheat and corn production, as well as soybean and corn production in Latin America, including Brazil.

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