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Press conference of Vladimir Putin on December 14, 2023: online broadcast

There was a breakdown in the supply and logistics organization, which led to an increase in prices for chicken eggs - Vladimir Putin explained this situation.

19 December 2023 19 December 2023

Vladimir Putin noted that there was a failure at the level of organizing supplies and logistics. That is why prices for chicken eggs have increased. The issue is under control.

  • 16:45 Exit V.V.P. and the beginning of the conference
  • 19:40 Margin of safety of the Russian economy
  • 26:31 A series of questions about the Northern Military District, when there will be peace, goals and objectives
  • 33:57 Benefits and support measures for volunteers
  • 37:07 Creation of a military-patriotic structure for youth
  • 40:40 How to solve the problem of shallowing of the Volga
  • 42:10 What do you think are the prospects for normalizing relations with the European Union?
  • 42:22 Right-wing forces are strengthening their position on the political scene in Europe, comment and does this bother you?
  • 51:21 What is happening on the left bank of the Dnieper in the village of Krynki
  • 59:55 Do you think the UN has lost its functions, in this regard, Palestine exists thanks to the joint actions of Turkey and Russia to ensure peace in the region, what are the general plans of Moscow and Ankara on international issues and does the Russian President plan to visit Turkey in the near future
  • 1:07:25 What is the situation with doctors in the Zaporozhye region?
  • 1:09:18 Attracting personnel to new regions, medical field
  • 1:12:50 Invitation from GDP to the pavilion at the Russia exhibition
  • 1:14:50 What is the situation for the highest achievements in sports in our country, will the program for the development of physical education and sports in the outback be continued?
  • 1:15:56 Appeal from athletes regarding renovations in the gym
  • 1:22:50 Do you think the system of payments to military personnel is streamlined, and can it be improved?
  • 1:24:00 There are not enough drones at the front, when will the situation with them improve?
  • 1:30:25 Why are citizens, and not the state, involved in humanitarian aid?
  • 1:31:01 Provide rap with jammers against drones, they don’t exist
  • 1:32:00 They don’t give you a combat veteran’s ID, please look into this situation
  • 1:35:30 Please turn on the gas
  • 1:36:40 Benefits for SVO participants, assistance in applying for them
  • 1:40:20 Helping people during the implementation of the program for relocating residents from the far north
  • 1:45:00 How profitable has the mutual settlement between Russia and its economic partners in rubles and the national currencies of friendly countries become?
  • 1:54:25 GDP Are there plans at the federal level to develop transport accessibility in the south of the country?
  • 1:59:00 Articles of the criminal code were written in the 90s, for murder - 12 years, for extortion on the Internet - 14 years, isn’t it time to rewrite the articles of the criminal code and where is the line when real pests are punished and when witches are hunted?
  • 2:04:00 How do you cope with stress when the whole rotten world is against you?
  • 2:08:00 It’s very sad to buy breast, eggs, wings, are they gold? No one to turn to...
  • 2:12:18 The pension has increased, but housing and communal services tariffs have increased it, please pay attention
  • 2:16:55 VVP, don’t you think it’s time to put BAM back on the map of Russia?
  • 2:21:10 Under what rules will BRICS be held in Kazan?
  • 2:25:14 What will happen to civil aviation in connection with sanctions and geopolitical conditions?
  • 2:29:36 What is the importance of coordination between Russia and China in BRICS and in general?
  • 2:33:51 US citizens in prison, Moscow refused to return the men home, but maybe their return would help improve relations between the US and Russia
  • 2:37:37 There is no vaccine against measles, rubella in the Samara region.....
  • 2:41:46 Problem with healthcare, complete devastation....
  • 2:44:47 How do you assess the growing nationalism and anti-Semitism here and around the world?
  • 2:49:00 How do you perceive France and its president today and what topics will be discussed and what are the conditions of the meeting?
  • 2:51:00 Magadan, traveling through it and a number of difficulties associated with it
  • 2:55:55 Is it possible to create a federal program for the construction of cardio centers in the regions?
  • 2:57:46 Why a new history textbook?
  • 3:14:26 Power lines in the Novgorod region are very outdated, how soon will power engineers build power lines?
  • 3:16:45 What is your opinion on the future of blogging?
  • 3:20:10 How critical is Yerevan’s opposition to the CSTO organization and how do you assess integration associations in the post-Soviet space?
  • 3:26:50 Can we create such systemic support for domestic brands and entrepreneurs so that their development is not just a matter of luck?
  • 3:29:30 Should we be afraid of robots?
  • 3:29:51 Is it true that you have many doubles?
  • 3:29:50 How do you feel about the dangers that artificial intelligence and neural networks bring to our lives?
  • 3:34:00 Is enough being done to support Belgorod residents and other regions that are under fire and is it necessary to continue to develop business in these regions?
  • 3:39:00 How do you see the future of the Republika Srpska and how would you comment when all the big wars started in the Balkans?
  • 3:42:38 GDP, when are you visiting the Lugansk region?
  • 3:44:40 Please make all Russian volunteers equal in their rights
  • 3:46:57 Are there plans for the Ministry of Agriculture to support rural enterprises? Will roads be built?
  • 3:52:33 Please stop the ban on abortion and the chaos associated with this topic
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