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Brewers and the Ministry of Agriculture are jointly creating the program "Brewing School" to update qualifications and develop the industry.
agricultural products

Brewers and the Ministry of Agriculture are jointly creating the program "Brewing School" to update qualifications and develop the industry.

Brewers collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture to improve educational programs on hop growing and malting. An industry Expertise Center with advanced training courses is being established. Agreements have been signed with universities to support the profession. The "Brewers School" is fostering new specialists and values for the future.

11 October 2024 11 October 2024

Brewers collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture to update educational programs in accordance with market requirements, including the directions of hop cultivation, malt processing, and biotechnology. They also actively promote the prestige of professions in the agro-industrial complex.

The "Brewer School" will become a key component of the industry Expertise Center program, which will be established based on the future self-regulatory organization of the brewing industry. The project includes the creation of a professional training center for the brewing sector, which will offer qualification improvement courses and specialized master's programs.

"The request to unite the brewing community arose long ago. Only joint efforts of market participants and support from relevant authorities will help overcome the challenges of this industry. The experience of companies in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture will allow us to address important tasks related to educating new personnel and improving the qualifications of existing ones," notes Vyacheslav Mamontov, the head of the working group for creating the industry's Expertise Center.

Within the project "Brewer School," agreements have been signed with the Chuvash State Agricultural University and the Saint Petersburg State Agricultural University. These agreements aim to support comprehensive interaction between the industry and educational institutions, as well as to enhance the prestige of this profession.

"Chuvashia is the largest hops producer in Russia, and our region actively develops hop cultivation. Therefore, providing the industry with qualified personnel is a key task that we can solve by combining efforts within our cooperation at the 'Brewer School' platform," emphasizes Andrey Makushev, the rector of the Chuvash State Agricultural University.

"Today, the agro-industrial complex suffers from a lack of personnel. We are confident that cooperation with industry producers helps better analyze the real needs of the business and prepares professional personnel," notes Vitaliy Yuryevich Morozov, the rector of the Saint Petersburg State Agricultural University.

The "Brewer School" is an initiative started by the company "Baltika," aimed at setting a trend in developing new specialists who will become the pinnacle of the modern industry.

The project's concept is based on several key principles: providing broad opportunities for professional growth in the industry; supporting young talents through professional continuity; shaping values that contribute to the development of the state; strengthening national identity; providing opportunities for the younger generation to choose in-demand professions of the future.

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